Sunday 6 April 2008

Hot! Hot! Hot!

OMG! Let me tell you that Bikram "Hot" Yoga is not that easy!!! First you have to get used to the incredible steamy heat of 37.4-40.5 degree heat. Then the nauseous feelings you get every now and then throughout the entire 90mins of this yoga class, not to mention the sweat!!!! It literally just pours off you. The 26 poses each having many benefits to all parts of your body. I am a pretty strong person, and can hold my own in a hour boxing class, have done a 10km run, done a 2 hour spinning class, almost gave up half way through this class, not for the poses but for the heat. Currently my abdominals are a little sore at the moment. But after all that, I will go do it again next week. I love the fact that it is so hard. I had a 21st birthday party to go to last night and I did not make it to 12 midnight. My feet felt like they were going to fall off.
This pose you see in the picture is called the 'bow pulling pose' and I can do that!! I even discovered I can do the 'boat pose but they call it the 'floor bow pose'. Interesting in Body Balance on thursday night I also discovered I can do the back arch - where rise up on your feet and hands, arching your back, but you are facing the ceiling.
I had a great Friday afternoon, had half day off, caught up with some ladies who I haven't seen in the last 3 months. Then went for my saturday morning powerwalk on Friday afternoon, as I was doing Bikram Yoga at 10.00am Saturday morning. Yesterday was a great day, as I planned and remembered to eat my designated meals and drink my water (well the yoga helped there, I am sure I sweated 2 litres out but replaced it with about 5 litres of water) At the party I was very very good, ate before I went, did not touch a single morsel of food, had 2 glasses of Sangria (which was my recipe - Red wine, vodka, orange juice, lime, lemons and oranges chopped), then about 2 litres of water. Lucky the party was only 2 doors down, so I was able to just escape and go home without having to drive the hubby home (who got home around 2.30am!).
My tummy is a little upset this morning - I am thinking as I have not had alcohol in a long time, the sangria is not agreeing with me. Off to get a pedicure and my hair cut today, didn't have enuf time yesterday. Then home again to spend the afternoon making and baking protein meals, grating, chopping, clicing and dicing salad ingredients, generally preparing my weeks worth of foods. So have a great weekend of whats left and catch you all later.


Blogger Lisa said...

I am pleased you are going back to Bikram...I ws totally addicted at one point.


6 April 2008 at 2:32 pm  
Blogger Em said...

I love yoga and would love to try Bikram but don't think I have anyhere near by to try it? Will have to look into :)
Good on you for resisiting the party food, hope your tummy is feeling better :)

7 April 2008 at 2:28 pm  

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