Wednesday 7 May 2008

Reach Out! Feeling OK about who you are.

People who have poor self-esteem tend to focus on and magnify their perceived shortcomings, and ignore their strengths and achievements. It's like looking into the mirror and seeing a warped picture - a bit like the ones at fun parks that make you look distorted - completely blowing reality out of proportion.
Your self esteem can affect how you feel, how you relate to other people, how you deal with challenges and how relaxed and safe you feel. In order to be happy you need to like yourself. A good way to build your self-esteem is to become your own best friend. This means talking to yourself in the same way that you would talk to your best friend. You would listen to them, try and help them change any situation, or help them look at it differently. You would convince them that they are really ok, so now think about how you would treat yourself if you were in that situation.
Your self esteem is something that can be worked on. Good self esteem isn't something that you can acheive overnight, but it is something you can work on and improve over time. My goal for this week is to build my self esteem. I was panicking about a certain photo shoot and looking 'fat' amoungst all the 'perfect' bodies there, but I have to like myself. I will be okay with it. I have decided that is will be a picture record of my journey to a new me. I also remind myself of my strengths. Comes back to the saying I mentioned a few months ago "Fake it til you make it". Self nurturing can be surprisingly hard if you are not used to doing it. Just have to learn not to be self critical of oneself. Remind yourself that people with high self esteem are not easily defeated by setbacks and obstacles, not overly worried about failing or looking foolish, not harshly or destructively critical of themselves and are able to laugh at themselves, not taking themselves too seriously.
So in short, I did this today all day. Firstly at the gym, I was training back and shoulders and I would look in the mirror to check form and I thought to myself ' WOW Doris, you really have great technique, soon you will be looking so hot to go along with that great posture and technique'. I did some awesome heavy weights as well. Managed 70kg on the latpulldown, nice and slow and controlled with no spot - 10 reps! Wahoo - another strength of mine - Strength! Then at work I took control of my position and put my foot down with the accounts payable clerk.......I always sit on the fence not to make life hard, but today I laid down the law and she was not happy, but I am not worried. I did my job and my boss is happy with my stance. Another! Double Wahoo *as she punches the air*
I also convinced myself that I am getting excited about next weekend! Yo Carolyn, only 10 days left and counting. Need to find something to wear for the photo shoot - sporty but casual. Hmmmmm.
Well time to go, have just watch Ugly Betty and now I have to get my food ready and clothes ready for tomorrow. Talk later bloggers.


Blogger Em said...

Sounds like your on a roll hun ;)

Do we get to see the pics??? I hope so *insert puppy eyes*

Have a grat day hun:)

8 May 2008 at 3:03 pm  
Blogger Carolyn said...

Hey Doris! I can't wait to meet you too! It's going to be so exciting, a real girls weekend I think.... It's only 9 days now as I write this message too....

I'm sure you will find the PERFECT thing to wear too!
Looking forwrad to catching up,
Carolyn :)

8 May 2008 at 8:47 pm  

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