Monday 5 May 2008

Ability, Motivation and Attitude!

Ability is what you are capable of doing; Motivation determines what you do; Attitude determines how well you do it.

"The world cares very little about what a person knows, it is what person is able to do that counts" Booker T Washington

People will judge you on what you accomplish, not on what you know. If you don't accomplish anything, people will begin to wonder. Because thin females are seen as the ideal in our society and we have come to believe that body size and shape are totally under a perons' control, most people enter diet and exercise programs with great expectations. BUT You must have a positive self attititude and be positive with your self image first. This means that your feelings about your body should not influence your daily life. For many people, lifes problems are projected onto their body! ie "If only I were thinner, I would be so much happier'. Your body becomes an easy target for everything wrong in your life."

Understanding the minds role and behaviour is one of the most critical elements in success. It is easy to get overwhelmed by negative thoughts, people and circumstances but we can try to understand. So much planning and effort goes into the day to day process, you ensure you maintain consistent efforts, then you don't see results fast enough. Then one little setback like emotions take over and you become discouraged. Realisation about getting discouraged over silly little things like not seeing results fast enought is simply stupid, so over the last couple of weeks I have come to one decision - "Life is perfect, even if I don't think so". Your mind is the control centre of your behaviour, and your behaviour determines how you look at your current accomplishments.

For almost a year now I have been hard at it trying to become fitter and leaner, and the results have not been so great.............................but they have!!!! I have dropped some size and a little weight but not the amount I had set in my initial time frame. I guess I need to do more in order to achieve my long term goal. But it is taking a little longer than I had anticipated.

The last week I have been looking at insulin resistance research, talking to naturpaths and the like. We all know that consistent planned eating and training makes the body more functional, but some actually need a little more. I am now currently taking a few more herbs to help me with possible insulin spiking, even though I am not diabetic. I now have included R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Taurine and Fenugreek in my daily supplimentation.

Food has been very good in my dark weeks and there was one week where I did not exercise at all, but I felt great and my body did make some change in that week. One other change that did happen was that TTOM arrived finally after 18 weeks, so heres to hoping that all will be normal for a long while again. Fingers crossed.

Had lunch with friend Sabine yesterday at a great irish pub on Calypso Bay which was great. Have not done that for a long time. Met up with another fitness friend, Kimmi Boyd, who only competed last weekend in Sydney. Sadly Kimmi did not place but man she looked fantastic, a bit of a inspiring boost just to get you thinking again. I am so looking forward to the INBA comp in 2 weeks and meeting many people who I have admired and am inspired by.

Well it feels good blogging again and look forward to catching up with everyone again. Thanks Hiliary and Antigone for your concern, same Carolyn. I am getting quite excited about seeing Carolyn on stage. Not only has Carolyn been a fantastic mentor for me, but I feel like I have known Carolyn for a long time, like a close friend who I cherish very much. Carolyn is a very collective soul who always seems to know what to say, even if it is harsh sometimes. Thanks. Hey Hiliary, how is your neck/back/rib??? Have not seen you at the gym for a long while, although you were there in the week I was not.
Well talk to you all later bloggers.



Blogger Em said...

Good to have you back :)

Unfortunantly we use our bodies as a scape goat, we tell ourselves that as soon as well lose weight lifef will be wonderful, but this just isn't so if you have a shit husband while you are fat you will still have a shit husband when you are thin unlease of cause you trade him in for the new model hehe

I hope that this week brings you even more changes :)


5 May 2008 at 9:08 pm  
Blogger sabine said...

Woohoo, the blooger queen, she's back !!!!!!!!
Welcome :)
Love yourself first and foremost, others will love you back.


7 May 2008 at 3:52 pm  

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