Thursday 15 May 2008

Happiness and Change, but no Satisfaction!

Definition of Happiness: good fortune; a state of well-being and contentment; a pleasurable or satisfying experience.
Definition of change: to make or become different; modify; making an essential difference often amounting to a loss.
The thought of 'others are watching and judging' never leaves my mind and often blows my self-consciousness out of whack. I get to thinking just because my changes aren't as apparent as other people, that I am be judged for lack thereof!!! Controlling this thought is a key to getting self consciousness under control. I need to step back and see how realistic is this perception I have of others. Are they really staring and commenting. I often hear comments from other people about other people ie skinny people talking about others who have put on a few kilos, or carry more than they do and I wonder, what is it that you say about me???? In actual fact most women are self conscious and pre-occupied with appearance. So in saying that, it only makes sense that if so many women are so worried about how they look, then they are not really looking at me!
So on the flip side, how can your health improve if you keep putting yourself down? Take action and change what you can. Accept what you can't change, and focus on those you can! Funny how I really struggle over my whole over weight thing and become very self conscious around other people, but yet I have a lot of surface varicose veins on my legs that look like bruises and I never give them a thought until someone either pointedly looks at them or asks me how I got so many bruises!!! LOL then I become aware of them. So I need to learn to disconnect. I need to remind myself that I am me, and me will do what it needs to do in its own time.
So what do I need to do - communicate is one thing that comes to mind with other inspiring females. Women have a sincere interest in what is happening in the lives of other women. We share ideas and help each other to overcome challenges (emotional and physical). My biggest role models are women I interact with everyday, my friends and I aspire to succeed as well as they have. I have learnt to value myself as much as I value other women around me. I think with this in mind and the slow steady process I am currently on, I will see improvements. Little changes are still happening and have dropped some more weight. Now I am still thinking is the weight I am dropping bodyfat or is it lean tissue, but as a friend did say, I have a lot of lean tissue and can afford to drop some. But I worked hard for that lean tissue!!! Just think of the DOMS I endured creating that lean tissue!!! Man!!!!!
But I am going to have to rethink my favourite work pants, they are getting a little too long in the crotch now, and I guess they may look unflattering - don't own a full length mirror (another small self conscious issue of mine - that whole thing if I see myself whole, what horrible picture is looking back at me! Again the self loathing thing!!) so I really can not tell how bad they look, all I know they are a bit loose. (okay a lot). Continuing on, I am going to repeat this mantra daily - Don't force the numbers. They will come. Here is your job today. Adhere to a winning pattern of action that you know will produce results if you follow it consistently. Thanks Sue.
One day to go till competition Carolyn........................OMG! Hope you're ready for some loud support!
best be off - on my way to Body Balance - to take in some stretching.


Blogger Em said...

Hi Hun :)

I worry what others think sometimes, Like when I take my own food with me and people look at me funny as if to say 'if you eat that then why are you fat?'
But I think sometimes its just our reaction to their look they may actually be thinking soething completely different 'gee did I remember to put the trash out?'

I say go and buy yourself some new pants treat yourself you deserve it :)


Fake it till you make it hun :)

15 May 2008 at 9:05 pm  
Blogger sabine said...

Hey D,
I'm pretty sure most of your friends have known you, as you are, for as long as they've known you. You are popular to say the least, and when you have down days there is concern umongst us. (yes we do notice).So my point is, you are accountable to you, not people who want to judge you. Are there people who do?? And what if they do..are you sure they are being negative? Maybe they're concerned and want to help. In assuming that otheres are judging you, are you judging them? Give your frineds the benefit of the doubt & trust them. Forget the rest. Love yourself xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 May 2008 at 12:42 pm  
Blogger Doris's BEHAG journey said...

hey Em,know where you are coming from!!! Been there!

Sabby, have you actually read what I said, I think I was referring to the fact that I have learnt to value myself and learnt to take a step back from my thoughts, taking a realistic approach rather than the negative self loathing approach. That I admire my friends and the successes and acheivements that they have made. I think I never mentioned anything about judging anyone, only of myself, and of how in awe I am of my friends and women of like around me. In completion, I think I did state that I am only accountable to me and the changes in me will happen when they happen as they happen.

actually a little confused over your comments???


16 May 2008 at 4:49 pm  

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