Wednesday 30 July 2008

3 posts in one day!

Wahoo, got my blogging mojo back..............3 posts in 1 day.

Thanks Lia, Tara, Rae, Selina and Hiliary, it is great to be back in the land of Oz. We have an amazing country! On a blogging note, I do not know what I have to do to turn on my 'profile' to advise you blog roll people that there have been changes.............anyone got any hints???

On a fitness level, I put on a few kilos over in Europe, with all that bread, pasta, pizza and not a lot of wholesome veges. I have been sick and working hard for the last 2 weeks, but the mojo is happening, getting back into some serious training again. I have made some changes to my training regime after consulting with 'the expert' on my Gene Elite test. Okay, here goes with what I interpreted while sitting down with the great Lindy Olsen. My body has a good ability to metabolise, which in theory should also help me with my fat loss............but.............I suffer from poor circulatory issues. My vascular system does not open up enough to release the toxins from my blood stream, which in turn holds onto the shit that goes in my body. This also explains why I suffer DOMs a lot, as my lactic acid does not disperse fast enough and just pools. Got that I think. My body does well training in poor conditions, ie I can train really well when the oxygen is low. That means my lungs pushes oxygen around my body very efficiently and my recovery rate is quick. Further to the poor circulatory systems, i do suffer from stress but not the stress of every day happenings, ie work, home etc etc. The stress is from high intensity and high impact exercise and it is advise that I take my cardio either at very fast and very short intervals or nice and long and slow. So in a nut shell, it comes back to doing too much can do harm???

So this week I have done a really heavy weight workout on back and bi's. My biceps are so sore, that I am having trouble reaching the steering wheel. My diet has been great this week too. I have also organised my supps, increasing them ton include - Musashi Red, Musashi Yellow, L Tyrosine, Acetyl L Carnitine, Tresos B, Folate, Lipoiac Acid, Vitals Greens and Muscle Ease (cal,mag and zinc) and last but not least CLA Complex.

Musashi Red, L Carnitine and L Tyrosine for liver cleansing in the morning. Vital Greens because it is just so good for you, Tresos B - a better quality Vitamin B complex, Folate & Lipoiac Acid to help with circulatory, Musashi Yellow for during and after weight training (branch Amino Acids) and muscle ease (cal, mag and zinc) to help recover muscles and sleep.

So that is in a nutshell.

Tomorrow morning I have another huge heavy weight session, chest and tris.

time to go, I have to go bake a birthday cake.

Long Live Fitness


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