Wednesday 30 July 2008

The focus factor

'Take a moment now to ask yourself: what do I want in relation to my body? If you're like most people, you answered something like 'to lose weight' or ' to get rid of my love handles' or to not be so fat!'. One of the most basic psychological rules in life is, You always get more of what you focus on. Yet in each on of the examples above, your mind has to focus on what you don't want in order to make sense of it - the weight you want to lose, the love handles that you secretly hate, or the fat you want to leave behind. This not only reinforces the image people have of themselves as fat, it tends to leave them feeling helpless, hopeless and unmotivated. When you redirect your focus exclusively on to what you want - a slim, fit, healthy boy - you are sending a message to your unconscious mind to find and explore every possible opportunity to move towards your goal. By clarifying and vividly imagining exactly what it is you want for yourself, you are beginning the process of training your mind and body to give it to you.
Now, the more specific you are, the better this works. If you just say, i'd like to be thinner, your mind might interpret that as meaning you want to lose one kilogram. So describe exactly what it is you want..........................' Paul McKenna (I can make you thin).

I want to compete next Year!


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