Saturday 24 May 2008

My Heroes! Women Warriors who believe in what they do!

Today I am approaching life and my fitness journey in a slightly different manner, with renewed vigour!. First, I have change my diet a little, I think much easier for me to cope with. Second, I had a talk with my pt on Monday and said to him, time for us to get serious, 100% only in return from him, I will need his push!!!! Thirdly I would like to draw amazing strength and insight and maybe even a little help from my heroes who I will list below. Ultimately I will change the way I think and look at myself. In time my self esteem will increase and in turn, I will be able to give more of myself to my family and friends - what a wonderful thing to acheive. I read in an article 'every human walking this planet has the choice to shape their muscles and proportion their fat in a way that enhances their genetics. Sure, genetics may make it a little easier for some, but if you really want a toned, buff body, the only thing that is stopping you from acheiving it is the limitations you place on yourself. Ie the limitations I have in my mind.'

My heroes:
Sabine: I have known Sabine for about 20yrs, has always has an amazing sense of self esteem that I always wished I could harness. Sabine herself has reached her fitness goal and I can hope to draw on her success to help me to help myself with mine. Sabi orginally got me hooked on gymtime back in the donkey's ages with classes, and I progressed from there. Perhaps Sabi can help me with my current goals, where I find my weaknesses such as self esteem, she can help me strengthen those??? As mentioned, Sab has an amazing self esteem and one can only hope to draw from that.
Chris: A rock. this little lady has been through cancer and back, brought up a child by herself while working 2 jobs and is always so confident with her focus. It was Chris who got me hooked on weights and that all started with one little phrase "Come on you bunch of pussies". That was about 8-10 yrs ago. Chris always tries to help me with my goals and we are very like minded, ie in finding out more information about what we do and what we eat and how our body reacts with certain things.
Carolyn: A strong mentor who doesn't pull any punches. I got to finally meet Carolyn last weekend, which I am still on a high over, and watch this lady compete. Carolyn has lost an amazing amount of weight and I draw on her weekly when I hit a low level and she basically tells me to wake up, no flowery feelgoods! Can not wait to catch up with her again in October, to cheer just as loudly as I did last weekend. talking to you soon.
Sue: when I found this picture, it was one of the first inspirational pictures I cut up and put in a book. I also had the pleasure of meeting Sue last weekend and I still can not get over how petite this woman is and sooooooooo friendly. Thats all I did was meet so many friendly people. Sue in one of her 10 golden rules, suggested that you surround yourself with like minded people, hence the idea of me meeting so many inspirational people out there in the fitness world.

All the bloggers and then some: All warrior women with amazing feats under their tiny little belts. Hiliary, Sharlene (amazing transformation), Liz Nelson, Lisa Stokes, Lia Halsall, Tara (amazing transformation) Em (Antigone) just to mention a few. Thankyou all for your inspiration and continuing inspiration......................gosh, I think I am starting to sound like I am writing an obituary???LOL.
Jo Rogers: It was Jo's guest appearance about 8 years ago that so got me hooked on wanting to compete one day and the love of muscle!!!!!!, but alas motivation is my downfall, so 8 years later I am still no where near my initial goal. I remember sitting and listening to Jo talk about her journey that year and how hard she had worked to put on lean mass.
Lindy: Up until last weekend, I have only admired Lindy in magazines and websites, like Ultra-Fit. She has always been one of my poster girls along with Monica, Rosa, Jenny, Cindy Phillips etc etc there are just too many to name. (Would love to get my hands on a John Stutz book one day) Then I met Lindy last weekend and again as previously posted, how unbelievably down to earth this lady is. So willing to talk about everything and then some. I have actually cut out my head and stuck it on Lindy's body on my board in my kitchen.............does that make me a stalker?????
So I am all fired up, have set myself some new incredible goals and totally excited and inspired. I do not lack the motivation with exercise, that part I do enjoy............just have to re-arrange to make more time!!!!! Some say I do too much, but I don't think so, I really beleive I can do more. Diet is always good during the week. At work it is a no brainer but weekends' tend to be my nemesis!! I go with all good intention Saturday morning, but forget to eat more often than not. But this is one the thing s I have been working on for a while. I am hoping with the change in diet, this should also be a no brainer. So far on paper looks good.
So this blog is my shout out to my heroes and also a 'visible goal'. Visualisation of my oucome is what I have to keep doing along with so many other things. To quote 'Powergirl' Stay Strong!
Now I have check my priorities, now let the event begin, not to say I have already began them, just let the changes begin. I had my DNA test done, so when this comes back, I can analize what I need to do to help enhance my bodies natural abilities. No more second guessing with eating plans and exercise regimes, following this rule and don't do this rule, increase cardio rule, etc etc etc just pure and simple DNA - genetic ability. As pointed out to me when I first asked about it, DNA does not change! What works for some doesn't always work for others. I wish it would hurry up and come back.
Happy posting and Long Live Fitness!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Doris

I have no doubt you will achieve your goals and can think of no-one who deserves them more. Let me know how the DNA thing goes - i'm so tempted to do it myself. I was thinking of the workout the other day, i'd be scared. I've heard how strong you are and you wouldn't just out benchpress me, you'd be able to benchpress me !!! I'm jealous of the strength you have. Will definately catch up next time we're in Bris and i'm sure we could do some cardio around the hyperdome. Looking forward to October as well.

Take care


24 May 2008 at 2:54 pm  
Blogger Em said...

Oh shucks *blushing* Thanks sweetie :)

Go you good thing go :)

Fake it till you make it hun and don't forget keep smiling hehe

You can and will do this hun stay focused!


26 May 2008 at 1:20 pm  
Blogger sabine said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment Doris. I would love nothing better than to rub off some of my positive energy on you to help you to achieve. My wish is for you to recognise without doubt that you yourself are inspiring.
There is no way I could have done an accountancy degree, been a full-time employee and mother, gone to the gym, created wonderful works of art, cooked, cleaned and been a wife.

26 May 2008 at 7:01 pm  
Blogger Shar said...

Thank you so much for the mention Doris!! I am flattered to be listed alongside those wonderful women.

Shar xx

27 May 2008 at 11:55 pm  

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