Tuesday, 2 September 2008

another picture for the inspiration wall in the kitchen!

Check Cindy's Bi's!! Nice. I want me some of those!
Today has been a great day. Got up with alarm again this morning (4.30am) packed bag with clothes, breakfasts, snacks and lunch, drove to the gym and did 1 hour of cardio. 1/2 hour spinning to my own music, running through some spinning routines, ie jumps, hovers, jockey, hill climbs, hill sprints etc etc etc. then rowed for 1/2 an hour but my shin splints are back again and they were giving me curry! Then did 1 hour of weights and what a workout - chest and tris.
We did so many supasets, it was truly painful in the end. Here we go:
Pec Dec with supaset normal pushups 4 sets
Bench Press with tricep pushups 4 sets
Chest Press with weight assisted dips 4 sets
Cable Tricep pullover with DB kickback 4 sets
Cable Tricep pulldown with bench dips 4 sets
Phew I got tired just writing it, let alone how I am going to hurt tomorrow or the next day.
Eats were good today
Meal 1 1/2 cup oats 2 eggs and 1 cup of spinach 1 cup of coffee
Meal 2 4 corn thins 1/4 avocado
Meal 3 100gm very lean lamb rump and cup of lettuce
Meal 4 150gm yoghurt and 1 yummy juicy apple
Meal 5 150gm Steamed barramundi and green beans.
Got to get my water intake up again. I have been failing on this one. Today I have managed 1.5 litres and I have 1.5 litres to go. got to get it in early so I am not up all night peeing.
Just about to pack up and go home from work - got 45mins of spinning lined up tonight when I get home. Talk to you all soon
Long Live Fitness


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cindy Phillips has an awesome physique hasn't she. :o) xxx

2 September 2008 at 8:24 pm  
Blogger Doris's BEHAG journey said...

Oh yeah Lia
Amazing! She has developed muscle beyond most womens dreams, especially for someone so young.


3 September 2008 at 8:35 am  
Blogger Tara said...

Now that is a body shape to strive for!! Cindy Phillips is HOT!!!

your session yesterday sounded like a killer session. hows ur chest and arms today?

Tara xxx

3 September 2008 at 11:11 am  

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